Dance Injuries to the Foot and Ankle
Dancing places a lot of stress on the foot and ankle. Common dancer’s injuries include the following:
Dancing places a lot of stress on the foot and ankle. Common dancer’s injuries include the following:
- Dancer’s fracture or 5th metatarsal fracture.
- Lateral ankle sprain from landing awkwardly from a jump.
- Bunions (hallux valgus) due to tight fitting shoes and repetitive irritation to the big toe joint
- Stress fracture from repetitive loading
- Ankle impingement syndrome from bone structures that pinche the soft tissue when the ankle is in a certain position.
- Trigger toe/ flexor hallucis longus tenosynovitis due to inflammation of the tendon canal, causing the tendon to be stuck.
- Sesamoiditis, hallux rigidus, plantar fasciitis, and Achilles tendonitis