Dermatitis/Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is a type of dermatitis that results from contact of the skin with an irritant. This irritant is something that the skin had previous been in contact with and has developed an immune response to. Common irritants of the foot include shoes, harsh chemicals, or poison ivy.
An allergic reaction is triggered when in contact with the irritant. Symptoms include redness, itchiness, small blisters, and warmth. For patients with other systemic diseases, such as diabetes, the resulting wound can be difficult to heal. Make sure to have the skin assessed by a foot and ankle specialist for proper treatment.
Contact dermatitis is a type of dermatitis that results from contact of the skin with an irritant. This irritant is something that the skin had previous been in contact with and has developed an immune response to. Common irritants of the foot include shoes, harsh chemicals, or poison ivy.
An allergic reaction is triggered when in contact with the irritant. Symptoms include redness, itchiness, small blisters, and warmth. For patients with other systemic diseases, such as diabetes, the resulting wound can be difficult to heal. Make sure to have the skin assessed by a foot and ankle specialist for proper treatment.