Intoeing, also known as pigeon toes, is a condition in which the feet points inwards when walking. This condition is commonly seen in children, which majority of them grow out of it without any treatment or intervention. However, there are some patients that continue to have intoeing gait into late childhood.
Intoeing can cause significant tripping, due to the abnormal gait. Aside from tripping, patients with intoeing often complain of pain with activities, and difficulty with shoes.
A comprehensive history from childbirth to current age is vital. Careful examination of the feet, and biomechanical exam, including gait exam, should be performed. The cause of the intoeing, whether it is hip, knees, ankles, or feet should be determined. X-rays of the area noted to cause the intoe should be carefully assessed.
Depending on the location of the deformity, and the degree of the deformity, different treatments can be implemented. This includes conservative and surgical options.
Intoeing, also known as pigeon toes, is a condition in which the feet points inwards when walking. This condition is commonly seen in children, which majority of them grow out of it without any treatment or intervention. However, there are some patients that continue to have intoeing gait into late childhood.
Intoeing can cause significant tripping, due to the abnormal gait. Aside from tripping, patients with intoeing often complain of pain with activities, and difficulty with shoes.
A comprehensive history from childbirth to current age is vital. Careful examination of the feet, and biomechanical exam, including gait exam, should be performed. The cause of the intoeing, whether it is hip, knees, ankles, or feet should be determined. X-rays of the area noted to cause the intoe should be carefully assessed.
Depending on the location of the deformity, and the degree of the deformity, different treatments can be implemented. This includes conservative and surgical options.