Stress Fracture in the Foot
Stressed fractures are tiny hairline fractures in the bone caused by repetitive microtrauma. This type of fracture may be caused by over training, overuse, improper training, or improper show wear. Osteopenia (low bone density) can also play a major role in development of stress fractures. If untreated, stress fractures can potentially turn into complete fractures.
Stress fractures often result in pain at the site after activity. The pain goes away when resting, but returns during activity. Pinpoint pain at the fracture site is present when touched. The degrees of swelling might vary, however, bruising should not be present.
Treatment of stress fractures can be conservative involving rest, non-weight bearing, immobilization, and/or casting. However, if the stress fracture progresses to complete fracture with displacement and affects the mechanical function of the foot and ankle, surgery is recommended. Physical therapy, exercise and rehabilitation may be included for return to normal activities.
Stressed fractures are tiny hairline fractures in the bone caused by repetitive microtrauma. This type of fracture may be caused by over training, overuse, improper training, or improper show wear. Osteopenia (low bone density) can also play a major role in development of stress fractures. If untreated, stress fractures can potentially turn into complete fractures.
Stress fractures often result in pain at the site after activity. The pain goes away when resting, but returns during activity. Pinpoint pain at the fracture site is present when touched. The degrees of swelling might vary, however, bruising should not be present.
Treatment of stress fractures can be conservative involving rest, non-weight bearing, immobilization, and/or casting. However, if the stress fracture progresses to complete fracture with displacement and affects the mechanical function of the foot and ankle, surgery is recommended. Physical therapy, exercise and rehabilitation may be included for return to normal activities.